The Allende meteorite fell at 1:05 AM (local time) on February 8, 1969. It created a huge fireball then shattered and rained fragments over the area of the strewn field in Chihuahua, Mexico State.It scattered thousands of fragments over an area of 48 km × 7 km. The Allende Meteorite is classified as meteorite that has type of chondrite meteorite, class of carbonaceous chondrite, and group of CV3. Like many meteorites, The Allende entered the atmosphere and friction began to heat it up. The main mass of the meteorite exploded and the fragments fell over the area that shown in the picture as the "Allende strewn field”. It was named with a village that near the place where that meteorite fell, Pueblito de Allende.
Allende is often called "the best studied meteorite in history". This statement come because Allende fell in early 1969, just months before the Apollo program was to return the first moon rocks. This was a time of great excitement and energy among planetary scientists. As a result, the scientific community was immediately ready to study the new meteorite, Allende. A number of museums around the world launched expeditions to Mexico to collect samples of the Allende Meteorite.
Specimens of the Allende meteorite were found to contain a fine grained carbon rich matrix with many chondrules, both matrix and chondrules consisting a lot of the mineral olivine. There was found to be a small amount of carbon (including graphite and diamond), and many organic compounds, including amino acids, some substance that are not known in Earth. Iron is the substance that makes up 24% of the meteorite. Unlike many other chondrites, Allende is almost completely lacking in Fe-Ni metal.
When Allende fell down it has weight of two tonnes. The parent body of Allende is estimated to have weighed over 30 tonnes. The original stones of Allende Meteorite are believed to have been approximately the size of an automobile traveling towards the Earth at more than 10 miles per second.
The Allende meteorite formed from nebular dust and gas during the early formation of the solar system. Allende meteorite is notable for possessing abundant, large calcium aluminium rich inclusions, which are among the oldest objects formed in the Solar System.
Allende is often called "the best studied meteorite in history". This statement come because Allende fell in early 1969, just months before the Apollo program was to return the first moon rocks. This was a time of great excitement and energy among planetary scientists. As a result, the scientific community was immediately ready to study the new meteorite, Allende. A number of museums around the world launched expeditions to Mexico to collect samples of the Allende Meteorite.
Before the Allende fall, CV3 carbonaceous chondrites were very rare. Only 16 falls are known today. CV3s are still rare, but now we have the Allende samples. This samples is very usefull for the human knowledge about the universe, the start of live in the Earth or the start of live in our solar system. The Allende sample is not only usefull for the human knowledge about the universe, but it also important for the improvement of the technology.